Bali Top Trip

Nusa Penida




About This Tour

A one-day snorkeling trip to Nusa Penida offers the opportunity to explore the vibrant underwater world around this beautiful island near Bali, Indonesia. Escape to the paradise island of Nusa Penida, where crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and dramatic landscapes await you. Our one-day Nusa Penida Snorkeling Tour is your passport to a day of adventure, relaxation, and awe-inspiring beauty.


  1. Depart from Bali: Start your day early by taking a fast boat from Sanur or another Bali port to Nusa Penida. Make sure to book your boat tickets in advance to secure your spot.
  2. Arrival in Nusa Penida: Arrive in Nusa Penida in the morning and head to the snorkeling base or tour operator.
  3. Snorkel at Crystal Bay: Begin your snorkeling adventure at Crystal Bay, known for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life. You'll likely encounter colorful coral reefs, various fish species, and maybe even Manta Rays if you're lucky.


  1. Lunch on Nusa Penida: Enjoy a delicious seafood or Indonesian lunch at a beachfront restaurant or at the snorkeling operator's designated lunch spot.


  1. Snorkel at Gamat Bay: After lunch, head to Gamat Bay, another excellent snorkeling site. Gamat Bay is known for its diverse marine life, including various species of fish, corals, and maybe even turtles.
  2. Visit Manta Point: If you're interested in swimming with majestic Manta Rays, visit Manta Point. This spot is famous for Manta Ray sightings, and snorkeling here can be an incredible experience.

Late Afternoon:

  1. Return to Bali: After your snorkeling adventures, return to the Nusa Penida harbor and catch a fast boat back to Bali in the late afternoon.


  1. Back in Bali: Arrive back in Bali in the early evening. Depending on where you're staying, you can relax at your accommodation or explore the nightlife and dining options in Bali.


Important Tips:

  • Ensure you have the necessary snorkeling gear, which can usually be rented from the tour operator.
  • Check the weather and sea conditions before your trip to ensure safe and enjoyable snorkeling.
  • Don't forget to apply sunscreen and wear appropriate swimwear to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Be environmentally responsible by not touching or damaging the coral and marine life. Respect the underwater ecosystem.

Keep in mind that this is a busy schedule for a single day, so you might want to choose specific snorkeling sites that interest you the most. Nusa Penida offers a wide range of underwater beauty, and you can tailor your day to your preferences. Enjoy your snorkeling adventure!

Price List

  • 1 pax IDR 1.100.000/pax
  • 2 pax IDR 825.000/pax
  • 3 pax IDR 775.000/pax
  • 4 pax IDR 750.000/pax
  • 5 pax IDR 700.000/pax
  • 6 pax IDR 670.000/pax


  • For foreigner +IDR 300.000/pax

What’s Included

  • Fast Boat Go & Return
  • Private Car
  • Lunch at Resto
  • Driver as Guide
  • Entrance Fee
  • 4 Spot (sharing snorkeling)
  • Snorkeling Gear
  • Retribution Fee
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